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Through activities such as games, talks, discussions, and field trips, participants will be exposed to the vivacity of local biodiversity, in order to understand the direness of the existing threats to our biodiversity and the implications of these threats, as well as to investigate the present and future of Hong Kong

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Take Action! Instagram 於2020登場!


我們的 instagram 將會更新活動最新資訊,也有舊生和歷屆導師分享他們當年參加 Take Action! 的原因,更會不定期分享物種有趣資訊,立即追蹤我們!

We will post sharings by past participants and tutors on our instagram on why they joined Take Action!. We also regularly post about interesting species, so follow us now!

I want to become a tutor!
I want to become a conservation leader!


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Take Action! 2023
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Last updated on: 14 February 2023. All rights reserved. © Take Action! 2023

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